Sunday, February 27, 2011

5 months in 1 week

OMG. I can't believe it. You are getting so big & this weekend you started pushing yourself onto your left side. Your fist is your favorite chew toy & you are smiling & laughing for us. Such a sweet, sweet boy. We are feeding you cereal with a bit of veggies mixed in (sweet potatoes, carrots,etc, yuck!). You like to go shopping with me at target & walgreens. Your a real sport.

Today is February 27th. The day after your cousin Trenton's 14th bday & you are one week shy of 5 months. I am holding you in this pic, trying to rock you to sleep, next to me are the "daily ticket" franchise papers.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This is your favorite pastime. Chewing on your hands & making noises.

You are now four and a half months & just the sweetest boy ever. You have been staying with mom & poppa 3-4 days a week & you think they are pretty cool. Your daddy started school again last month so we hang out together on Tuesday & Thursday nights & I have been stockpiling diapers like a mad woman! I am passionate about saving a penny & loving you to pieces.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Daddy went hunting...

So, it's just you and me! Actually, you, me, Bailey and Riley (daddy took jinxsey w him, thank goodness!). You have been so good. We put you in this contraption last night for the first time. You are still a bit small for it but you are amazed by it. You were a bit fussy tonight so it was a welcome sight for me! You have been sleeping from 9- around 5-7am! Woo hoo! Progress! Sleep baby, sleep!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow day in SA!

Yes, the title is correct. It snowed! We woke up to our winter wonderland & it was all over the place! Not a ton but, enough. It's your first snow but, you are too young to know it. You will soon. Today is 2/4/11 and you are 17 weeks & 1 day.